Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT)
Evidenced backed behavioral management and alternative
to medication for vocal, motor, and complex tics
Evidence on how CBIT reduces tics:
Large, multi-site, National Institutes of Healh-funded studies who “more than half of the people who complete their CBIT program will have significant reductions in tic severity and improved ability to function.” Complete elimination of tics and other Tourette syndrome symptoms does occasionally happen with the CBIT program. (Tourette’s Assoc. of America, 2021)
A recent study showed that 87% of participants who completed their CBIT program continued to do well after 6 months of treatment. (Tourette’s Assoc. of America, 2021)
Journal of American Medical Association (2010) showed 52.5% of children who received CBIT showed significant symptom improvement compared to 18.5% of participants who received the control treatment.
Archives of General Psychiatry (2012), showed 38% of the adult CBIT participants experienced significant improvement of their tic symptoms compared to 7% of those who did not receive CBIT.
What is CBIT?
How does CBIT work?
CBIT is a non-drug treatment for vocal, motor, complex tics and for those with Tourette’s syndrome. CBIT treatment is weekly 60-minute sessions across weekly 8-10 sessions, dependent on the number and severity of the tics.
CBIT works using 3 principles:
Helping the client be more aware of what’s happening before, during (e.g. the urge or build up), and after the tic
Training the client on what competing behavior to do instead of the tic when the urge comes up
Making environmental modifications and changes in social dynamics to help reduce the triggers and distress that influences the frequency and intensity of the tics
How to start the CBIT occupational therapy?
Please use the contact button below to send an email to schedule a FREE phone call to go over if you or your family member is a good candidate for Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics.
This is how we start the intake and scheduling process.